Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Having said my goodbyes, my first official day as a Peace Corps Trainee started today (before I was an invitee) and it is amazing. Not so much the sitting in the room learning things that I will forget by tomorrow...the meeting new people. I have talked to most of the people in our group of 31 and everyone is so cool. The actual official sitting in a room listening part reminds me a lot of Team Leader training. We listened, did a few reflection activities, drew a few group posters that we later taped to a wall and presented, did skits based on the appropriate ways to behave...seriously the similarities are crazy.
But I have to be in the lobby fed, ready and raring to go get my Yellow Fever shot by 6:20 AM so...that is all. Plus nothing hugely noteworthy has happened besides meeting people.

Peace out from the Peace Corps...

1 comment:

  1. Got your letter today :)
    What would I do without a giant chair to make me look miniature? A chair so giant it allows for full bosy gesticulations?!

    Love you!
