Saturday, December 11, 2010

Here's Looking at you, Scott

So, apparently my blog is a little on the boring side, so I will try to kick it up a notch ;)
First of all, in response to a comment from Laur (on that note, if anyone has questions, comment and I will answer them!) I will enlighten you on my new eating habits. For breakfast, there is always bread (yummy, baguette-type) and usually margerine/butter. Then depending on the day there is yogurt or jam or eggs. For lunch, I usually get rice and sauce (I'll explain the sauces in a sec) or brochettes (meat on a stick) or brochettes on a sandwich or spaghetti (in tomato-like sauce). Now dinner...varies from night to night. Sometimes my family will cook American-like foods (meatballs, fried potatos/fries, salad) and other nights we have ragout (my favorite BF food-yams in a tomato-based sauce) rice/couscous/to and sauce. Sauces are tomato/veggie based, peanut based, or tomato/unidentified meat/fish based. When I help make them, I recognize everything they put in-tomatoes, onions, peppers, cabbage, etc. So why on earth the sauces turn out so unidentifiable is beyond me. They still taste good though. And to is a millet-based food that is kind of like play-do that you make into spoon-like tools and scoop up the sauce.

After that longer-than-intended note on food, my next segment will focus on oddities. I will do this in list-form because lists are awesome.

Things that used to be odd but are now normal
-Drinking out of bags
-FraJuLish (french, Jula, Enlish combo)
-Dirt coming out when I blow my nose
-Riding my bike on Mars-like terrain
-Dirt in...everywhere
-Bugs in my room (that's what mosquito nets are for, after all!)
-Mice in my ceiling
-"Yet" on the end of weird sentences (examples: I haven't eaten bugs YET, I haven't crapped my pants YET)
-Daily diahrea
-Power randomly being cut
-Water being cut
-Being laughed at
-Burning trash everywhere (landfills are so overrated!)
-Eating unidentifiable meats/animal parts
-Bones in my food
-Weird mouth noises being integrated into daily language
-Being an uber-dork (if you think I was dorky in the states, you ain'y seen nothin yet!)
-Going to the bathroom in strange places
-Crazy colored, elaborate clothes
-Bodily functions being a form of daily meal conversations (significatly more than at home, family!!)
-Breasts being whipped out willy nilly at any time to feed children (seriously...ANY time!)
-Kids yelling "Nasara" at me (nasara=foreigner)
-Kids crying when they see me
-Not being a star language student
-Phrases like "AIDS banana" and "I am going to faga you up"
-Being a local camputer/tech genius

Things that used to be normal but are now odd
-Seeing leg above the knees
-Non-PCV nasaras
-Clean feet
-Coldness in any form
-Using left hands
-Being right on the first try
-Big houses (more than 2 rooms)
-Air conditioning
-Things running on time
-Things running quickly and efficiently
-Being understood the first time I say something
-Talking a lot (anyone here who thinks I talk a lot-just see me in the states with my sisters/family)
-Being alone (though I will get used to that VERY soon!)
-Knowing what is going on
-Hearing Enlish

Things that SHOULD be normal but I still find odd
-Kids beating each other up for fun
-Being tired all the time
-No dessert
-Creepy kissy noises made at me from creepy grown men
-Burkinabe jokes
-Avoiding looking important people in the eyes (its DISRESPECTFUL here)
-Bargaining (I am terrible at this)
-Being out of the loop (all of them...think of a loop and I am out of it)
-People not waiting in lines (I'm not aggressive so it is NEVER my turn at the post office!)
-Not enough hugs or cuddling
-Getting a faceful of dust everytime a car or truck passes me

So, I hope this post is an improvement from my others and can live up to the standards of some people (Ahem, Mr. Worthington).


  1. Who says your last posts were boring? They are very entertaining to ME!! This is all very interesting. I wish I could come over right now and give you a big hug and make you your favorite American meal - I hope that someday I can see some of what you describe for myself. I love you!!

  2. I finally got to read your blog and view the photos. Very interesting. All that stuff about bugs,mice and dirty old men. Quite a flashy outfit you're wearing. Hang in ther Linds, just two more years to go. Are you ever coming home for a visit or will you be hanging around locally and viewing neighboring countries? We all miss you very much. Love, Grandma T

  3. Glad you are enjoying yourself....curious if you are shaving the legs or just letting the hair grow? You could lose the hair on your head like the other girls and replace your hair...with hairy legs. Much say your sleeping quarters are similiar to a Motel 8....good luck with the mice in the, The Tim O'Connor family!
