Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So much to say in so little time

Okay, here we go:
This weekend we visited current volunteers in their sites to get an idea of what things are really like. Ummm AWESOME. Being in the middle of nowhere is way cooler than being in a city. And we took a bush taxi and it was perfect. I will post pictures very soon of it. It broke down twice and the guy had to get out and whack the van with a wrench and push it while the other guy tried to start the ignition. Classic. Also the stars were like a planetariam and we saw a bunch of shooting stars. And the neighbor gave us a live chicken as a gift which we hqd for dinner. We did not cook it because the volunteer was a chicken (ha pun intended) and paid someone else to do it for us. Also we carved watermelon jack o lanterns that rock! Pics are coming
My host family is still cool. Someone has I believe I can Fly as their ringtone and they sing it every time it rings and every time I CRACK UP.
Doing laundry is really hard. My host mom told me that I am incapable of doing it and will just have to pay someone to do it for me when I get to village.
My host brother found my tampons and asked what they are for. When I said they were for girls and not to worry about it he said "For cooking? CLeaning? Laundry?" Hilarious. Kind of sad but hilarious.
Training is getting more interesting. We learned to make soap and other coolness. I start learning the local language of Jula tomorrow so I am very excited about that.
I am really starting to feel good here. Like I will be here for a long time and like it as opposed to feeling like I am in a totally unknown place and don't really know what to make of it.
Okay Peace out til next time!!!


  1. You are so cool and lead such an interesting life!

    You could have started your community health development with your little bro!

    How was the chicken?

  2. i really like how you ended with PEACE out. haha, because you are in the peace corps. PLEASE tell me the pun was intended.

  3. Laur-ummmm delicious.
    Em-of COURSE pun intended. I LOVE puns. I am pretty much the only person I know who laughs out lound when I hear puns!
